By visiting the website of Maja S.r.l.s. with the browser set to accept cookies and continuing to browse (ie: selecting the “ACCEPT” button, clicking any element of the page outside the popup, or selecting the “SAVE AND EXIT” option from the second popup after having manifested consent to cookies) you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

This Cookie Policy, made by Maja S.r.l.s. as Data Controller, it aims to illustrate the types and purposes of the cookies used by the site and to explain how to manage visitor preferences regarding the use of cookies.

1. Cookies

The site of Maja S.r.l.s. uses cookies, text files sent from a web server to the visitor’s / user’s Internet browser and automatically stored by the latter on the device (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.), and automatically sent back to the server at each subsequent access to the site . The cookie can only be used by the web server that issued it (or by any third parties with whom it was originally shared); this means, for example, that the cookies generated by Maja cannot be read by the servers managed by third parties.

Some cookies are necessary for the correct provision of the site or useful for its personalized use; in this case, their inhibition could compromise some features of the site.

For further information regarding the Data Controller of personal data, methods of processing itself, exercise of the rights referred to in Articles. 15-22 of the EU General Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”) or further processing relating to the data released during registration to Maja’s services, the visitor can consult the Privacy Policy of the individual site or send an e-mail through the appropriate form on line.

Cookies are not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

Types of cookies

Persistent cookies: these cookies remain stored, until their expiration, on the user / visitor’s device. They are used in order to facilitate navigation within the site and its correct use, to facilitate access to services that require authentication (avoiding users having to re-enter the authentication credentials each time they access the services), to statistical purposes, to know which areas of the site have been visited.

Session cookies: these cookies are not stored permanently on the user / visitor’s device and disappear when the browser is closed. They are used in order to transmit the session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the Maja site. The session cookies used on Maja’s sites avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of user / visitor navigation and are also used to improve the provision of services.

First-party cookies: they can be both persistent and session; they are managed directly by the owner and / or manager of the site and are used, for example, to guarantee their technical functioning (so-called “technical cookies”).

Third-party cookies: they too can be both persistent and session; they are generated and managed by managers unrelated to the site visited by the user and are used, for example, to know the number of pages visited within the site itself (so-called “statistical cookies” or “analytics cookies”).

Main purposes of cookies

– technical cookies, used for the sole purpose of transmitting an electronic communication, to ensure the correct display of the site and navigation within it. In addition, they allow you to distinguish between the various connected users in order to provide a requested service to the right user (Login), and for site security reasons. Some of these cookies are deleted when the browser is closed (session cookies); others have a longer duration (such as for example the cookies used for the registration and storage of consent in the category “necessary”, “performance”, “analytics”, “ads”, “other”, “functional”).

– analysis cookies, used directly by the site manager to collect visitor data, sessions and campaigns and also keeps track of the use of the site for the risk analysis report; moreover, they are used to store information, anonymously and in aggregate form, on the number of visitors and how they visit the site. They are assimilated to technical cookies if the service is anonymized.

List of cookies on the Maja site



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